Graveur et collectionneur 1852-1922
Stéphanie Guex, Pietro Sarto and
Thomas Tixhon
Together, Alexis Forel’s own graphic art and his collection of prints reveal a Swiss etcher developing his skills on the Parisian art scene during the 1980s. They also underscore the fact that his work is one of the highlights of original etching in that period.
As a longstanding art lover, Forel collected some one hundred works by artists of the past, mainly Dürer, Rembrandt, Millet, Haden, and Buhot. Enlarged after his death by donations and acquisitions, this collection provides intriguing insights into the history of engraving since the 16th century. Published to coincide with the exhibition of the Alexis Forel Collection at the Cabinet Cantonal des Estampes in Vevey, and the retrospective of his etchings at the Musée Alexis Forel in Morges, this publication is the first critical analysis of these two complementary aspects of the French-Swiss artist.